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E: baba do you see my wings? I am a fairy 

T: hmmm I am not sure I see them

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I had a break between meetings so I picked up Emmie from school today. She was a chatty box as usual and apparently today is fact-checking-with-mama day.

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  • Mar 11 Thu 2021 14:30
  • I lose

Emmie asked me which day of the week she was born. 

I said Wed. Then I told her she was supposed to be born on Thursday and how her mother had a nice afternoon and evening planned but she came early. 

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  • Nov 20 Fri 2020 10:02
  • 奴隸

E: let’s play mama!

A: Ok! Hey TJ can u get something for me from the kitchen please?

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  • Sep 23 Wed 2020 22:31
  • 押韻

Emmie 最近很愛押韻,時不時就問我 what rhymes with what. 


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  • Aug 30 Sun 2020 11:27
  • 自信

A: Emmie you are so good at drawing! I love this picture!

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A: 你先把褲子穿上不要光屁股坐地板


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Emmie just got out of bath so proud of her clean self.

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看了兩集Netflix 的新戲 “What if” (由整形不成功的芮尼史瓦辛格主演的).  故事的背景就是一個年輕的生物女科學家有個生技公司需要募款,但無奈說破了嘴都籌不到半毛(看到這裡是不是有人眼眶已泛紅戲演到心坎兒裡?) 欸尼尾就是芮尼(飾創投界女瘋子)說是願意投資這年輕女孩的公司以及夢想,但是代價是要跟年輕女孩的辣老公共度一晚(該晚的服務內容不詳)。此時這對年輕的咖剖就開始糾結,捧著對方的臉說 I trust you, 不能讓這瘋女人如此輕易挑撥他們對彼此的愛意與信任,但投資金額是8千萬美金啊!這女孩就咬著牙忍著淚為了錢折腰把老公拱手讓人一晚。

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Do you remember the days before you became a mother? 

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Emmie was outside playing with the snow. It’s freezing out and she didn’t wear gloves. Her hands were so cold that they turned red. 

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E: pretend I am Bell and you are Aladdin 

A: ok

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E: a-ma (grandma) let me play this song for you (holding her toy phone)

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E: I am American! Why do I need to be like you?

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We started our lovely Friday with the following epic events - 

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